Cadet Program

Aim of the Cadet Program
The aim of the Cadet Program is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of the Canadian Forces.

The development of responsible and caring citizens is one of the most important aspects of the Cadet Program. Throughout the year, cadets participate in citizenship activities in cities and towns across Canada.

The Cadet Program encourages youth to be fair and ethical leaders. Cadets learn to take responsibility for their actions and motivate their peers to follow their example.

Cadets develop an understanding of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Participation in fitness activities results in a positive attitude that enables cadets to take on new challenges.

Stimulate interest in the activities of the Canadian Forces. Exposure to the sea activities of the Canadian Forces is a unique part of the Sea Cadet Program identity, distinguishing it from other youth development programs.

The cadet program is by no means a stepping stone or prerequisite for entrance to the Canadian Armed Forces, nor are members encouraged to go into a military career.
Interaction between cadets, staff, and officers will be educational, positive, and respectful. A zero-tolerance rule is in effect for all personnel regarding abuse, harassment, and negative conduct. During the first few month of joining, new cadets will participate in the Positive Social Relations for Youth Program to provide the basis for acceptable social interaction. Cadets are required to sign a ‘Code of Conduct’ declaration in which they acknowledge the standards of conduct and behavior expected of them while participating in cadet training.