Navy League / Volunteer
Navy League (Oakville branch)
The Oakville branch of the Navy League of Canada (NLC) helps support RCSCC OAKVILLE with securing training facilities, acquisition of material, event support, and fundraising for optional training. A group of dedicated volunteers helps maintain RCSCC OAKVILLE as a viable enterprise for the development of interest in maritime affairs, as well as Canadian naval traditions.
The NLC Oakville Branch would like to thank the Optimist Club of Oakville and Bronte Harbour Yacht Club for their support of RCSCC OAKVILLE’s sail program as well as the Optimist sponsorship of our Swim program and competition. The Royal Canadian Legion’s Oakville and Bronte branches also deserve recognition for their support throughout the year.
Any member of the Oakville community with an interest in youth development or maritime affairs is invited to join our team. The Navy League is always looking for new members to assist in fundraising, event planning and execution, or promotional work. If you or someone you know is interested in joining, please email NavyLeagueOakville@gmail.com.
Message from President, Navy League (Oakville)
As we come to a close for the 2022/2023 cadet year, I wanted to congratulate all of the Cadets
and Officers on an amazing year. With the challenges of Covid now behind us, and the new
normal ahead, the Corps has now grown to about 130 cadets from about 40, only 4 years ago.
With such a large group of new cadets, it brings different challenges and opportunities front
and center.
I wanted to thank the Navy League Members for all their help in many different ways this year,
from fundraising to organizing events, the Officer Staff for planning different training activities
with such a large group, the senior Cadets for mentoring the new and the junior Cadets to be
the best they can be, and the Parents for supporting all of the events and your child in the
We, the Navy League of Oakville, support the delivery of the Sea Cadet training, by providing facilities for parade nights, additional training material, funding of auxiliary programs, and volunteers to augment corps staff.​ We also organize and manage fundraising drives like the Scrap metal, and Tagging. At this year's tagging weekend, the cadets raised record breaking funds!
To ensure we can continue supporting the Corp and the Cadets over the next few years, we do need your support! Your volunteer contribution adds immeasurably to the cadet experience and is extremely rewarding personally.
Our youth reap the rewards!

Who are the Navy League & what do we do?
We, the Navy League of Oakville, support the delivery of the Sea Cadet training, by providing facilities for parade nights, additional training material, funding of auxiliary programs, and volunteers to augment corps staff. We also liaise with community partners for financial support and manage the Branch’s funds in a fiduciary manner. The Navy League supports various activities during the year such as fundraising, swim team coaching, and act as mentors for the Duke of Edinburgh program.
The Navy league also organizes and manages fundraising drives to support events such as scuba diving familiarization, swim team training and competition, air rifle range training and competition, local trips, mess dinner and adventurous physical fitness nights to name a few.
We need your support! Your contribution adds immeasurably to the cadet experience and is extremely rewarding personally.
The Navy League is a volunteer-based group and one of the most rewarding institutions to be part of. Join today and share your skills, time and energy. Our youth reap the rewards!
If you would like to join the Navy League of Oakville, please email NavyLeagueOakville@gmail.com.
Kind Regards,
Charles Dumouchel
As a parent, how can I help?
The cadet program is both demanding and rewarding for cadets and provides them with a lifetime of skills and experiences. Your support as parents will help your cadet succeed and grow in the program. Take a moment to read the Cadet Parent Handbook which is a reference guide on the Corps procedure, the Sea Cadet Program and the Navy League.
Ways you can support your cadet in the program:
Join the Team App and email list so you are informed of activities well in advance
Ensure you know about the timing of activities so they can be on time and be picked up promptly
Provide reminders to the cadet about their responsibilities to keep their uniform up to standard, including boot polishing and sewing of badges – but do NOT do these things yourself!
Come in a few minutes early when picking up your cadet at parade nights to hear announcements and chat with other parents, especially on Ceremonial Divisions where special events (such as awards) may take place
Transport your son/daughter (and maybe their friends) to and from parade nights and cadet activities
Encourage your cadet to participate in Corps teams and activities so they get the most out of the Corps
Volunteer with the Oakville Navy League.
To learn more how parents can volunteer with the Navy League, complete the Navy League Parent Information form below and email it to NavyLeagueOakville@gmail.com.
Any questions, donations or suggestions on how we can best support the Cadets and the cadet program, please email the Navy League team at NavyLeagueOakville@gmail.com.
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