HMCS OAKVILLE Bell Dedication Ceremony
On Saturday November 5th, 2023, a group of cadets participated in a piece of the town of Oakville's history!
An exhibit honouring HMCS OAKVILLE opened to the public at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre on November 5th. The centre of the exhibit is the Ship's Bell, from HMCS OAKVILLE, that was presented to the town on November 5th, 1941, and then lost for 80 years!
In attendance for the ceremony was Lt(N) Sean Livingston, former Commanding Officer of RCSCC OAKVILLE, who is a local historian, and behind the opening of the exhibit, Anita Anand, Minister of Defence, the Mayor of Oakville, and numerous other dignitaries.
We were proud to have 7 cadets participate in the ceremony, including one of our cadets ringing the bell for the first time in 81 years!
Please see a video from YourTVHalton for more information! https://youtu.be/inDeMTlpr5Y