Join The Oakville Sea Cadets
What age can I join the Sea Cadets?
Any youth between the ages of 12 to 18 years old can join the Sea Cadet program.
What is the cost to join?
$0.00 cost to join. There are no dues, no joining fees, no hidden costs.
Uniforms are provided free of charge.
Cadets will be expected to maintain their uniform which does require the purchase of small items such as sewing needles & thread, black boot polish and polishing cloth (highly recommend Kiwi brand), and a lint brush, which can amount to around $20 per year.
Cadets will also be provided with a Corps T-Shirt and Baseball at no cost. Should a replacement be needed, cadets will need to purchase for $10 each.
How do I join?
Complete the Cadet Application Form (parent/guardian permission required) using the online registration tool found at the following website:
Once you have been registered, a staff member will reach out to you, to provide further information, and arrange for you to come down to the unit to finalize registration!
We look forward to meeting you!!
Why should I join the Sea Cadets?
Sea cadets in a great program that encourages our youth to become active, responsible members in their communities. They learn valuable life and work skills like teamwork, leadership, and citizenship. Cadets also reap the personal benefits of increased self-confidence and physical fitness, learning how to take initiative, and how to make decisions. Cadets make valuable contributions to Canadian society on a daily basis in terms of environmental, citizenship and community activities.